ChBE 216 Chemical processes 2
M 274 Differential Equation
BCH 380 Biochemistry
ChBE 321 Fluid Mechanics
Ohhh my gawd, these are the classes that i have to attend this semester. :S
It's been 5 months since i left MY, and Chinese new year is just around the corner. This is no doubt the first year that im not gonna spend my CNY in Malaysia.
Awwww no ang pao (red packets), no gambling (Baccarat, Blackjack, poker, and so many different ways, ohh im a gambler), no hang outs with friends, no new clothes, no reunion dinner bla bla bla, and yes, NO HOLIDAY, FML!
But i guess we are still gonna celebrate it here with other Malaysian seniors, as well as some chinese from China. It's gonna be a different CNY! :D
Oh yeah, the weather is getting warmer compare to December, hopefully it won't turn cold again ughhhh... The "warmer" on january is like -5C to 5 C , so its actually not that warm still, but compare to -20C to -28 C during december, i think i prefer January more Hahaha.
Don't fall sick before CNY guys, stay healthy and welcome 2011 with a big smile! :D
Don't fall sick before CNY guys, stay healthy and welcome 2011 with a big smile! :D
1 comment:
[url=]Физо-До[/url]— это различные системы единоборств и самозащиты особенно восточноазиатского происхождения; развивались главным образом как собственность ведения [url=]Физо-До[/url]. В настоящее пора практикуются во многих странах мира в основном в виде спортивных упражнений, ставящих своей целью физическое и сознательное совершенствование[1].
Боевые искусства подразделяются ради направления, смета, стили и школы. Существуют подходящий достанет старые [url=]самозащита[/url], самостоятельно и новоделы.
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