Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Feeling when i stand near the window...

i was standing in ADP 12th floor, after going toilet around 9pm something, coz i was doing some homeworks in ADP library.

I saw thousands of lights, yep, it was a beautiful scene, and it will always be, but what has come to mind is that, if 1 light equals to a person, there are thousands millions of lights in this world, how can i make myself the brightest 1 in this world? Okay maybe not the brightest but at least, i dont wanna be part of the "lights" here in my sight, coz they are way too normal....

When i was standing there, i saw sunway, it was the brightest among all the lights that i saw, yep, thats what i want, i dont wanna be a single light, or maybe a lamp post, that is way too tiny in such a big world...

Maybe, sunway is just a small thingy compare to other buildings or places or what so ever, but at least, its the most powerful 1, or the brightest 1 among all the light sources that i could have found in my eyes when everytime i stand near the window in ADP 11/12th floor.

How i hope, my future will be like this? i Dont wanna my life end up with just normal, just that simple, i dont wanna have a simple life.

But, will my wish come true? No one knows the answer. =)
Time will show.


Unknown said...

u have a big dream
and i'm surprised with that
for me
living normal is my happiness
well ppl hav different prospective after all....
but anyway
hope ur wish come true

MasterX said...

i have my own dreams of course, but way too lazy to go for it sometimes... >_<

tin said...

suprised that u wll write someth like this >.<

Anonymous said...

masterx gogogogogo!!